INGEGNI is a B-CORP that is committed to high standards of corporate social responsibility
" We are committed to creating value not only for shareholders, but also for society and the environment, and seeks to balance its economic objectives with social and environmental ones "
IMPORTANT COMMENT: WORK IN PROGRESS. This institutional part will be updated regularly with the creation of specific links for each point. Anyway please find the VISION and the MISSION of INGEGNI.

Ingegni is a Benefit company (B-Corp), it is committed to pursuing objectives of public and social benefit, in addition to economic ones. The features of wits are:

  1. Social mission: Ingegni has an explicit social mission that goes beyond simple profit and is committed to creating a positive impact on society and the environment.
  2. Impact assessment: Ingegni is committed to assessing the impact of its activities on society and the environment, as well as considering the interests of all interested parties.
  3. Responsibility: Ingegni takes responsibility for its actions, decisions and impact on society and the environment.
  4. Transparency: Ingegni is transparent about its activities, policies and performance, and regularly publishes the results of the impact of its actions.
  5. Sustainability: Ingegni is committed to sustainability, promoting the responsible use of resources, reducing waste and emissions, and adopting innovative and sustainable solutions.
  6. Governance: Ingegni adopts governance and management practices that encourage sustainability and social responsibility, and that involve all stakeholders in decision making.

Ingegni is committed to creating value not only for shareholders, but also for society and the environment, and seeks to balance its economic objectives with social and environmental ones.

Ingegni, being a Benefit corporation (B-Corp), is required to present to the public various documents and information that highlight its commitment to social and environmental responsibility:

Social Mission Statement: The Benefit corporation must submit a social mission statement, which describes its raison d'etre and its commitment to pursue social and environmental goals. The Social Mission Statement must clearly and precisely explain:
  • The raison d'être of the company, i.e. its social purpose and its vision of a better future.
  • The core values that guide the company's business, such as ethics, transparency, sustainability, innovation, diversity and inclusion.
  • The social and environmental goals that the company is committed to achieving, such as reducing environmental impact, promoting gender equality, protecting workers' and community rights, and supporting charitable and social impact initiatives .
  • The strategy the company adopts to pursue its social and environmental objectives, such as integrating sustainable practices into the supply chain, implementing employee training programs, adopting inclusion and diversity policies, and participation in social impact projects.
In summary, the Social Mission Statement is a key tool for communicating Benefit's social and environmental mission and goals to stakeholders, and for demonstrating its commitment to creating value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

Impact assessment: The Benefit company must undergo a social and environmental impact assessment, which measures its commitment and its impact on different stakeholders, such as employees, customers, the community and the environment. The social impact assessment (Impact Assessment) of IngegnI must be carried out periodically and made public. Social impact assessment is used to evaluate the impact of the company on society and the environment, in order to improve its social and environmental performance.
In particular, the social impact assessment must contain:
  • A description of the methodology used to carry out the social impact assessment.
  • An assessment of the company's impact on society and the environment, including positive and negative outcomes.
  • A description of the actions the company has taken to improve its social and environmental performance, based on the results of the social impact assessment.
  • A description of the company's future goals for social and environmental performance.
Social impact assessment is an important element of the business model of ingegnI, as it demonstrates the company's commitment to the creation of social and environmental value and monitors progress in achieving social and environmental objectives.

Sustainability Report: The Benefit Corporation must submit a Sustainability Report, which describes its policies, practices and performance with respect to social and environmental impact, and which highlights the results of the impact assessment. This activity refers to Third-Party Verification of the social and environmental performance of IngegnI. Third party verification is a key requirement to maintain Benefit status and demonstrate a commitment to transparency and social responsibility.
In particular, third-party verification must include:
  • An independent assessment of the company's social and environmental performance, based on a set of specific standards and metrics.
  • A review of the company's management practices regarding social and environmental impact.
  • An evaluation of the effectiveness of the company's policies and procedures in achieving social and environmental objectives.
  • An assessment of the company's transparency, including the availability of complete and accurate information on social and environmental performance.
Third-party verification is an essential element in demonstrating Intellect's commitment to social and environmental responsibility and transparency. In addition, third-party verification provides valuable feedback on the company's social and environmental performance and on areas that can be improved to achieve social and environmental goals.

Social balance sheet: The Benefit company can present a social balance sheet, which integrates the financial information with that concerning the social and environmental impact, and which provides a complete overview of its activity. This is the publication of a social and environmental performance report (Annual Benefit Report) by ingegnI in which details of the company's performance in terms of social and environmental impact are provided.
In particular, the social and environmental performance report must contain:
  • A description of the company's mission and social and environmental goals.
  • A description of the actions taken by the company to achieve social and environmental goals, including positive and negative results.
  • A social and environmental impact assessment, which provides a comprehensive assessment of the company's impact on society and the environment.
  • A description of the company's social and environmental responsibility policies and procedures.
  • A description of future actions the company plans to take to improve its social and environmental performance.
The document of social and environmental performance is a key element of the transparency and social responsibility of ingegnI. The publication of the report allows to demonstrate IngegnI's commitment to the creation of social and environmental value and to monitor progress in achieving social and environmental objectives. In addition, the social and environmental performance report provides valuable feedback on the company's social and environmental performance and suggestions for improving its performance.

Disclosure Statement: The Benefit Corporation must disclose its level of transparency, and publish information regarding its governance, policies, practices and performance, to ensure the trust of its stakeholders. This declaration refers to the promotion of transparency and social responsibility through the dissemination of information about IngegnI. In particular, IngegnI must adopt measures aimed at guaranteeing maximum transparency and accessibility of information on its social and environmental performance.
In particular, the Benefit company must:
  • Publish your B-Corp status and your social and environmental performance report.
  • Provide detailed information on the policies and procedures adopted to achieve social and environmental objectives.
  • Provide information on social and environmental performance in a clear and accessible way, for example through the company's website.
  • Provide information on social and environmental performance to its employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
  • Partner with other benefit corporations and non-profit organizations to promote transparency and social responsibility.
The promotion of transparency and social responsibility is a key element of the philosophy of Benefit companies. The dissemination of information on social and environmental performance makes it possible to demonstrate the company's commitment to the creation of social and environmental value and to provide useful information to its stakeholders. Furthermore, the collaboration with other Benefit companies and non-profit organizations allows us to promote transparency and social responsibility on a global level.

Articles of Association: The Benefit corporation may include in its Articles of Association specific provisions regarding its social and environmental mission, and its commitment to pursue objectives of public benefit. IngegnI's Articles of Association contain a number of specific provisions which reflect the company's commitment to achieving social and environmental objectives in addition to financial ones. In particular, the articles of association of wits include the following sections:
  • Purpose statement: This section should describe the company's social and environmental goals and how it intends to achieve them. It should also indicate that the company is committed to considering the interests of stakeholders as well as those of shareholders.
  • Leadership Responsibility: This section should state that the company's leaders must act in the best interests of stakeholders, considering the effects of their decisions on the community, the environment, and stakeholders.
  • Reporting Standards: This section should establish that the company is committed to providing transparent and comprehensive information on the social and environmental impacts of its business.
  • Performance Standards: This section should establish that the company is committed to specific and measurable social and environmental goals, as well as financial ones.
  • Impact Assessment Procedure: This section should stipulate that the company must conduct an assessment of the social and environmental impact of its business on a regular basis.

With these documents, IngegnI highlights its transparency, its social and environmental responsibility, and its commitment to create value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders. If you want to know more about our B-Corp don't hesitate to write us!
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