Why INGEGNI decide to use NFT
INGEGNI is a B-Corp deeply committed to true social innovation. Each T-shirt is linked to a single NFT, which allows wearing the T-shirt in a virtual environment known as the "metaverse," likely in Decentraland. Those wishing to resell the T-shirt can do so by transferring the corresponding NFT for authentication purposes.

To carry out this transaction, included in the purchase of the T-shirt, you need a digital wallet, an electronic application where you can store and manage these NFTs. If you want to learn more about NFTs and wallets, you can get additional information by clicking here.

Each wallet is associated with a unique digital identifier known as the "Wallet ID," which must be entered before finalizing the economic transaction. Upon completing the transaction, in addition to shipping the T-shirt, an NFT generated by Ingegni, corresponding to the purchased T-shirt, will be sent to the Wallet ID.

It's crucial to enter the Wallet ID correctly, as failure to do so may result in the loss of the NFT, and Ingegni will not be held responsible in such a case. Please note that providing the Wallet ID is not mandatory, but if you choose not to do so, you will not receive the NFT, and it cannot be requested at a later time. To continue to the shop click here.
With the sale of every dress is associated the delivery of an NFT, you'll be able to wear the relative dress in the Metaverse.
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