INGEGNI is a Social ThinkTank
The ingegni think tank is an autonomous and independent organization of analysis and engagement that generates research, analysis and solutions oriented to the realization of impact-related social actions that respond to the emerging challenges to come for the human population.

In a global marketplace of ideas, the think tank transparently develops national, regional and global partnerships, creates new and innovative platforms to deliver its products and services to an ever-expanding audience of citizens, policy makers and businesses worldwide .

Our think tank is made up of members, affiliated or independent institutions structured as permanent bodies, not ad hoc commissions.

Our think tank acts as a bridge between the academic and decision-making communities and between states and civil society, serving in the public interest as an independent voice translating basic and applied research into a language understandable, reliable and accessible to decision-makers politicians and the public.
" With our own ThinkTank we undertakes to maintain independence and intellectual integrity, guaranteeing the objectivity and impartiality of the research and results we presents "
What is a ThinkTank?
To give a real contribution to the creation of a fairer and more sustainable world, we develop a ThinkTank that aim to define the new rules to fund efficiently human development projects.
The think tank is a polymorphic structure in continuous modification, and we are thinking, for example, about the best way to communicate on the following points, being transparent but also reactive, postponing focused on doing rather than saying. Do not hesitate to contact us and we will give you all the information !

Open projects
The Think tank could undertake various projects based on its goals, available resources, and relevant social issues.

The actual projects the Thinktank initiate are:
  • Write an publish a Whitebook that present the next evolution of safety culture in companie and aim to describe the connection between the U-Theory and the Bradley Curve.
  • Define activities and experiential experience to sensibilize children about a more aware use of social media..
  • Define standard KPI to measure and benchmark the qualitative impact of social actions to measure in an objective way the improvement of the autonomy of people.
  • Define the 5 steps of maturity of an NGO and define the actions to deploy structurally to evolve from a traditional NGO to an NGO 2.0

These activities are Work in Progress and when delivered the performed activities will be updated.
Performed activities
The performed activities are to promote public debates and awareness campaigns on social issues, collaborate with diverse organizations and stakeholders to address social challenges holistically, organize gatherings to discuss and share knowledge on social issues, provide skill development programs for professionals and key actors in the field of social policies, assess the impact of social policies and provide feedback for continuous improvement.
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