INGEGNI is on the way to become a B-CORP that is committed to high standards of corporate social responsibility
With B-CORP (B-Corporation or benefit company in Italian) we mean a legal form introduced in the 2016 Italian Government Stability Law and which defines companies that: «in the exercise of an economic activity, in addition to the purpose of dividing profits, pursue a or more purposes of common benefit and operate in a responsible, sustainable and transparent manner towards people, communities, territories and the environment, cultural and social assets and activities, bodies and associations and other stakeholders".
B-Corp logo Organization
"as a B-Corp, we are committed to high standards of corporate social responsibility, transparency and sustainability, and we are subject to a rigorous evaluation by B-Lab, a non-profit organisation that certifies B-Corp companies on the basis to a set of sustainability standards"
What is a B-Corp?

This means that INGEGNI has the ambition to balance the interest of the shareholders with the collective interest, with greater responsibility, commitment and transparency from the corporate leadership.

We prepare an annual impact report, which contains the actions undertaken by the company in the interest of the community and the commitments envisaged for the future.

To achieve this goal, INGEGNI property has decided to realise his independent ThinkTank to define the struments to use for a better human world. The activity of Ingegni is to make tenders and financial fair and sustainable human development projects in all the countries.

As a B-Corp, by statute, INGEGNI will have to donate an important part of its result to associations. To remain linked to reality ingegni create the INGEGNI.ORG foundation which has the purpose to realise fair and sustainable human development projects in all countries. Click here to access the institutional part of Ingegni.

To do this, INGEGNI PEOPLE will have two missions:

- Become a ThinktTank who will develop new training models with a generative impact following the principles of connection with the emerging future (U-Lab theory of Otto Shammer from MiT). This ThinkTank will also rethink the methodology evaluation (KPI) used to evaluate the quality impact of local actions.

- Call for tenders, collect, choose, finance and support innovative projects proposed for sustainable local development by working alongside local organizations in developing countries to provide transformation paths with the aim of making people and organizations more aware of their future potential not yet expressed.

INGEGNI PEOPLE want to give voice and tools to those who were invisible and lost until now and allow the new generation of a new approach to society, where head, heart and hands are connected and where sustainability, environment, personal fulfillment and well-being are put back at the center of human development.
" With the association INGEGNI.ORG we have the ambition to make people, who would otherwise be invisible, as heroes "
" We aim to support people and local organizations to become an active part of their change, that will no longer be suffered but chosen, with the goal to making them capable of generating their own future autonomously "
To know more about INGEGNI.ORG
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